Certainty in Business
In a tightly interconnected and interdependent business world, the ability to rely on a partner is vital. Here are some of the features of such a world:
- Organizations and people increasingly work within the confines of an internet connection and not physical boundaries.
- Communication is now equally, if not more, important than the various components of an SLA.
- 24-7 is implied, even if not expressed.
- While “you are only as good as your last delivery/performance” sounds powerful, there is more to a business relationship than this, and consistency is essential.
- Trust takes priority over the written terms and conditions of an agreement.
- While nothing beats a face-to-face interaction, the show must go on with or without it.
Enerji and Certainty
We have been at it for 20 years! As a group, we have successfully overcome a cyclone and a flood, and even throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been able to continually run our operations to ensure that we don’t let our clients down.
We work with some of the largest and most widely known global corporations in publishing, real estate, ecommerce, brands, media, advertising, and retail, some of whom have been working with us since our inception. Our understanding of the points mentioned above is not based on theory but on our daily experience working with companies in the US, the UK, and elsewhere. The common theme has been certainty.
Measuring Certainty
So how do you say you are certain? How do you provide your clients with certainty? We have been exploring this for almost a year now and think we have an answer. It is not rocket science, but it is scientific. The Certainty Index denotes our performance across metrics that are most meaningful to our clients, analyzed at periodic intervals.
Here is the simplified version of the methodology we used to develop our Certainty Index:
- We reached out to a select group of clients and asked what they believe are key components of their Smartshoring® relationship with our companies. For example: quality, timeliness, escalations/clarifications, communication.
- From the various metrics mentioned, we consolidated the ones that were most meaningful to this group of clients.
- We then asked customers to rate the importance of each metric by assigning a weight to each one.
- Based on this feedback, we arrived at a single figure. And that’s what we call the Certainty Index.
We believe this is a powerful method to reassure our valued clients that with Enerji, they have Certainty!
What Are the Factors That Underpin Delivery of Certainty during Uncertain Times?
As we continue to adapt and adjust to the new normal, businesses need to adopt and employ collaborative strategies that can ensure delivery of certainty despite violent shifts in the landscape.
How Collaborating with a Dependable Service Partner can Help Create Mutual Value
It cannot be overstated that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a new level of uncertainty. As businesses across the globe continue to adapt and brace for such unforeseen situations, having reliable partners and vendors, who can deliver certainty especially during these times, is invaluable.
Delivering Certainty in Uncertain Times
As we fight the COVID-19 crisis that is disrupting the world order, it is anybody’s guess how the crisis will unfold and impact the world around us. But there’s always a silver lining and historic events bear that out.
About Enerji
The Enerji Group is a pioneer in Smartshoring® content, data, and design solutions and services.
Enerji is a multinational business group that offers an extensive range of state-of-the-art content, data, and design services, helping its clients stay competitive and build future-ready capabilities. The Enerji Group is trusted by customers of all sizes, including Fortune 50 companies, large multinationals, and corporates who are leaders in their respective markets. The group is located across three continents and houses energetic and talented people driven to delivering quality and value. Our success is built on strong and lasting business relationships powered by consistent, focused, reliable, and exceptional work.